FPL Intel
Using NextJS, Rust & AWS CDK (GoLang), I built a new Fantasy Football realtime leaderboard to show more updated data, league history and graph data for the public
FPL Intel
Check it out at fplintel.com
After building fpl.oliverlooney.com I decided to make a fork and build a version for anyone to see any league's live data, and more! I also added some new features & deploy my AWS infrastructure with golang CDK
AWS Architecture & Languages
I used AWS Lambda & API Gateway to create a serverless api for this project. The lambda functions are written is Rust and are deployed using a cdk stack written in GoLang.
During this project I moved from Linux to MacOS, and one of the big problems I encourntered was being not being able to compile rust lambdas with cargo lambda. I got low level library linking errors since cargo lambda compiles for Amazon Linux 2. I solved this with a shell script using the cargo lambda docker image (read more).
I used Amplify to host the front end which is a TypeScript NextJS project. Since I am using AWS Amplify to host my front end, on a push to main the front end is automatically deployed
This is my first side project to get real users, I used Google Analytics to track the site's activity
I have been consistently working on this project & adding new features for the past few months. I enabled dependabot to keep my dependencies up to date
It's great to see some users on this site, so I will continue to add more features in the future!